Accurate definition of industrial revolution 4.0 (fourth time)
January 13, 2023
The Industrial Revolution is a way of calling for the development of science and technology to a degree that can change the way people work in production, in a more positive direction. Industry 4.0 (the fourth) is a new step towards which humanity is heading. The 4th industrial revolution is considered an intellectual revolution, because most of this revolution applies scientific and technical advances in previous revolutions and uses artificial intelligence to combine them. , forming products and ecosystems to serve the development of human society. In this article, let’s find out what this revolution is like with XDIGI.
Industrial revolutions
What we are using today, such as motorbikes, cars, televisions, computers, phones, etc., are the results that appeared after the industrial revolutions in the past. Before getting to Industrial Revolution 4.0, we will go back to see what the previous 3 revolutions had.Industrial Revolution 1.0 (first time)
At the end of the 18th century in England, the world’s first industrial revolution began to appear. This time in England flourished the textile industry model, the machines operated mainly on water power so most of the factories were located near the river, this caused some great inconvenience. so in 1784, an experimental assistant named James Watt invented the steam engine. And about a year later (1785), priest Edmund Cartwright used the power of the steam engine to create a loom that increased production by 40 times.
Steam engine, symbol of the first industrial revolution!
Industrial Revolution 2.0 (second time)
At the end of the 19th century, industry began to struggle with not providing enough goods for the large market (possibly due to the development of means of transport, transportation became faster so goods also being promoted), Mass production line is a new idea and it requires a major reform. Inventions of computers, automatic machines, automatic systems, control systems were born, along with the appearance of high-strength materials such as Polymers, which made the industry strong. stronger, goods are produced in an immeasurable amount, meeting a large market.
Mass production is the symbol of industrial revolution 2.0. Thanks to it, many scientific and technical advances have developed and are the foundation of the economic growth of developed countries.
Industrial Revolution 3.0 (third time)
The industry is on the rise thanks to mass production. However, it still needs to use a lot of people to operate the machines, the operating costs are still very high and errors can occur due to human error. In the 1970s, another revolution occurred, that of automated production with the integration of electronics, computers and the Internet.
Automation applied to mass production lines has resulted in products with cheaper prices, better quality and more quantity.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 (fourth time)
Since 2013, the keyword “Industry 4.0” or “Revolution 4.0” has started to emerge as a trend. Derived from a German government report referring to a high-tech, computerized strategy in the manufacturing industry without too much human intervention.
IoT and Big Data will be symbols of the industrial revolution 4.0.