How much money does blogging make in 1 month? Is it worth the investment?
When you are interested in the field of blogging to make money. Surely you have ever wanted to ask how much money blogging makes? No one really can answer this question completely. However XDIGI can share some information with you. And based on that you can imagine how much you will earn.
Ways to make money with Blog
Before, when I started making money online, I didn’t immediately think about blogging. Because I’m not a good writer. Moreover, the time to create an article of your own is not less. However when starting with a blog written for fun about technology. For the purpose of storing the web design knowledge that I have acquired so that I can forget to use it later. Accidentally one day I registered to try Adsense and was approved. Since then, I have attached to the website and have a little more to maintain the website. Later, I learned and learned more interesting ways of making money with blogging. Let’s also XDIGI learn more about the most popular forms of making money with Blog.
Blogging to place ads
For example, a website that places your Adsense is also a type of blog that places ads to make money. On average, a month with Adsense can earn about 1 million VND. If your website really has a lot of visitors. If you know how to customize ads appropriately, high click-through rate, you will be able to make a lot of money.
In general, there is no income limit for advertising blogging. And it depends on your ability. However, there is one thing that I am sure that this is the most attractive way to make passive money. The truth is that in 1 month when I was busy with work and couldn’t blog, it also brought me 1-2 million VND / month. This is really great. But to achieve that you have to sacrifice a lot of time and effort before that.
Blogging to get PR
This is a more advanced form of blogging. Your blog must have real expertise and be known by many people. For example, Thach Pham is one of the famous bloggers in the world of WordPress website programming. And if he gets PR for a certain hosting provider, that’s really great, isn’t it? Each PR post will not know exactly how much it costs. Subject to negotiation by both parties. However, in my opinion, a good PR post + with the reputation of Blogger, the price is never less than 5 million / post.

To get to this level is very high. Not only do you have to have a quality blog, but you also have to be an Influencer. You also have to invest in your personal image a lot. Your credibility now is the value of a PR post on your blog.
However, an interesting thing is that nowadays, you can participate in writing PR articles in the form of guest posts to get backlink + pr. The price of a post can range from 200-500k. Depends on the quality of your blog. To do this, you need to SEO your blog first.
Blogging to do Affiliate
This is one of the most popular ways to make money for bloggers. Indeed, with this way, you will not need to be browsing the website, you do not need to be a reputable or famous person. Sometimes a lot of access is also not necessary for affiliate blogs.
Affiliate Marketing is a form that has existed for 5-6 years already. And it is still one of the most popular ways to make money. When making money in this form, you will write articles that look like PR articles. But instead of PR about the brand, information, …, you will PR about the products and invite people to click to the main product pages of the seller. When a customer makes a purchase, you will receive a commission from the sale of that product.
In my blog list. There are about 4 blogs doing this. And the amount earned from them is not less than 10 million / month. Of course, the cost to write articles on it is quite a lot. If you are a blogger you can absolutely make money with your own efforts instead of hiring.
If you are interested in this form. Read more articles in the Affiliate Marketing category to learn more. And shared articles on how to optimize, tips will also be regularly shared here.
How much money does blogging make in 1 month?
The above sharing partly shows you how much money we can make in 1 month by blogging. And the most accurate answer depends on your ability. You may be completely clueless about ways to make money. But if you are a passionate and inquisitive person, I believe you can earn over 1 million VND/month by blogging. It all depends on your efforts. Nothing is free and easy.
However, saying that does not mean extinguishing the burning determination in you. So is myself. I have failed many times for blogging to make money in the past 4 years. When knowledge about MMO is very limited. However, my persistence and ability to learn have helped me earn a stable income today. You can imagine that you are sitting with your beloved laptop at a fancy cafe. And do what you love when you feel most comfortable. And just like that, the money is still in your pocket evenly.
Is it worth investing in a blog to make money?
If you just started blogging to make money, I advise you not to invest too much. Try starting with a lightweight website. But I recommend spending money to buy hosting and a decent domain name. Don’t do it on free platforms because they are really wasteful and not worth it in the future. On average, to have such a decent website, it costs you about 500k – 1 million VND / year. It’s not a huge amount of money, is it? If you lose, it’s also a huge learning investment.