Instructions for writing standard SEO articles on wordpress
One of the most important factors affecting the success of SEO is content. In the past, there were many factors that influenced SEO. But gradually the search engines, especially Google, have eliminated them all, only the content is increasingly appreciated. In addition to writing well, not copying, you should also pay attention to the “standard” factor for your article. Here I will share with you how to create a standard SEO article structure.
Content structure
What is content structure? and why it affects SEO. Many of you say that a very bad article that it also tops the keyword is quite high. It’s true but I bet it will drop one day soon. As Google’s linguists have also begun to focus more on content. They will not directly read your article but will use user behavior to evaluate your content. If the user drags the scroll too many times in a row. And then exit your website, they probably can’t find the main content. Most importantly, it’s the keyword that brought them to. However google does not rely solely on 1 user.
However, you should still have an article with a clear structure. One content structure I recommend you to use is the one in the book.
You should only have one title. Sub-headings and within those headings can be divided into many different sub-headings. This not only keeps the reader interested in your content. And stay longer, but google bugs also love to “sleep” on your website.
HTML structure
Although not too important to the user. But properly arranged HTML tags will help search engines crawl more accurately.
Quảng cáoGoogle has a tool to help you highlight data at This tool will highlight places that will be important information that google needs to collect. Like title, author, publication date, category, etc. But for it to be properly identifiable you also need to have a clear structure.
Usually the title in the article should be H1 tag, the smaller headings are H2, H3. For example.
<h2>Big item</h2>
<h3>Smaller Section</h3>
<h2>Big item</h2>
In the WordPress editor these tags are located in the left pane. You just need to highlight the paragraph you need on the card and choose the appropriate title.
In normal Paragraphs, you can bold the main keywords of the article. with button B. Italicize proper names or unrelated statements with button I. Create a list with the two icons next to it. Create an excerpt with the button “. Usually the excerpt is below the title.
Quảng cáoThe rest of the formats are very seo dependent except for Link. However, if you write a target article for that keyword, you should not link that keyword out. Instead, link the word to the article itself, or just bold it.
Keyword allocation
The article is searched for from a keyword phrase that is not in the article. For example, Search for the phrase “how to seo to the top” but it returns an article without this phrase. Instead it has words like: seo, to the top, how, repeated many times or in important tags like H1, H2, B, … this can say one thing that google does not get exactly what users search to display results, instead they choose the key words in the article and compare it with the search user’s phrase to give the most relevant results. However that’s about the one long phrase part. As for short phrases of 1,2,3 words that are commonly found in platform content, you should not allocate it like that. Please allocate the correct words. For example, the words “water“, “heavy water“, “super heavy water” are the types of words you should keep the phrase.
Interesting and useful content
This is also the last part I want to say. There are so many online articles out there with tons of headlines. I once clicked on 2 articles with the same content but the title is completely different. Most recently, I read an article with the title something like “What President Trump said about the United Airlines scandal” and I read it all the way to the end, the whole thing was about the scandal (this I knew well) I was more concerned about “What President Trump said” but at the end of the article the journalist wrote he kept quiet. This seems to offend the reader. Although they only care about the View is the amount of advertising and the time and attention of the readers, they don’t think.
Can you see Bloggers who create rich and useful content easily achieve high rankings on google. For example, Thach Pham, Help you to beautify, earn money center,…. So try to create good content and don’t forget to declare DMCA to avoid being copied.
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