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What are Demographics? How to build Demographics

January 13, 2023
Demographics is a component in the field of human data research, it is a very important component in marketing. Demographics include a variety of information related to a certain number of customers with similar demographic information. In this article, XDIGI will learn with you about Demographics, and how to build the most accurate Demographics on Facebook ads about your audience.

What are Demographics?

Demographics is one of the important components to help marketers “identify” their customers. Marketers will rely on Demographics information collected from a large group (minimum 200 – 500 people) of customers who have used or are interested in their products / services, extracting similarities. such as geographic location, age, gender, marital status, interests, behavior, ….
Một phần thống kê nhân khẩu học (Demographics) trong Facebook

A section of demographics on Facebook

How to build Demographics on Facebook Ads

Knowing the demographics of your customers, you have the basis to reach the exact target audience on the Internet.

Give insights into potential customer demographics

Before we start looking, let’s make some assumptions. Your prospect demographic hypothesis must also be inferred from pre-existing product or customer information. As an example of high-end skin care cosmetics, you can hypothesize such as:
  • Location: Vietnam
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 25 – 60
Hypotheses should only give certain information, more broadly, not narrowly. In the above example, I hypothesized that my audience is female because the cosmetics I sell are mainly (95%) for women. In terms of age, I am more open, and limited to 25 years old (it’s difficult to buy high-priced cosmetics if you’re younger). This is hypothetical information, and it will serve as the basis for me to conduct testing, reducing costs by excluding a part of non-potential subjects. More information about customer demographics will be found in the test section.

Experiment to find customer demographic groups

Demographic group

You can create a split ad group, to test the following demographics:
  • Education: In education you can aim for things like: education level, school, major, or year of graduation.
  • Life events: Life events such as: New job, new relationship,…
  • Relationship status: relationship statuses, such as married, single, dating, separated, etc.
  • Job: By profession,…

Hobby group

Create a split campaign and create interest groups to test as follows:
  • Technology
  • Entertainment
  • Business
  • Shopping
  • Sport
  • Cuisine

Behavioral group

Start split testing with the following behavioral audience:
  • Travel
  • Activity No
  • Mobile device

Find out the winning team in the campaigns

After the campaigns are over, take out the winning groups. You aggregate the attributes of those groups, and you’ll have accurate demographic background information about your potential audience.